Monday, December 30, 2019

Bookkeeping methods

With single-entry bookkeeping, you record transactions in a notebook or journal as you pay bills and make deposits. This method only works for the smallest companies with a low number of sales and expenses.

Double-entry bookkeeping is more common. You’ll make at least two entries for every transaction – you’ll record a debit to one account and a credit to another account. When you run financial statements, your assets will equal your liabilities and your owners’ equity.

What are Some Examples of Direct & Indirect Expenses?

Examples of direct expenses
Remember, every business is different. So, not all of these examples will apply to your company.

raw materials
sales commissions
manufacturing supplies
direct labor
customer service
purchase of goods to be sold
transit of goods from the supplier
If you can’t figure out if something is a direct cost, ask yourself if you can assign it to a specific product, service, customer, or project. If you can, then it’s likely a direct expense.

Because direct expenses are tied to something specific, they can vary from month-to-month depending on how many products you sold or how many projects you worked on. They can help you decide on a price for your goods that ensures you’re covering your costs.

Monitor your direct costs because dramatic changes might signify that it’s time to renegotiate rates with a supplier or to start looking for a new vendor.

Examples of indirect expenses
Like our direct expense examples, some of these indirect expenses may not apply to your company.

facility insurance
equipment depreciation
equipment maintenance
office supplies
printing and stationery
legal fees
HR costs
health insurance
transit of goods to a customer
If you’re having a hard time assigning an expense to a specific product, service, customer, or project, it’s probably because it is an indirect expense. Although they’re not related to a particular product or service, it’s often necessary to incur indirect costs to ensure your business runs smoothly.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Tally Course Details – Eligibility, Duration, Syllabus, Fees in IACE

Tally Course Details – Eligibility, Duration, Syllabus, Fees, Jobs

Tally Course Details

If you belong to an Accounting or non accounting arts or science and looking for job in accounting taxation or payroll, if you in search of a course which shines your career bright? IPA is introducing an Accounting package Tally ERP. It is very popularly accounting software which indeed helps a small and medium business. It has all functions of accounting taxation and payroll that a particularly midsized business needs. Most people think that Tally may only function for a small or business , but it has much more capabilities than that. Tally is not just accounting software, after becoming ERP it has much more widened and in great extent.

Tally Course Duration

IACE has designed Tally ERP course can be learnt just 2 (two) months. First month takes the basic understanding and second month focus on advanced features like GST, TDS, Service Tax Payroll , however freshers are advised to do long term Tally Diploma Courses for 12 months

Tally Course Fee

IPA has kept the tally course fee very low for basic course the fee is Rs. 8000/= (one month ) and for advance course Rs. 10000 (two months) hence any student interested in this course can join fee can be paid in easy monthly installments.

Tally Course Eligibility

IACE has designed the course in such a manner that a 12th pass student (commerce/ arts/ science) can join this course, after completion of this course certificate will be provided, IACE gives students written notes,  books and software also, an graduate or post graduate are also eligible for this course What Roles are Available in Tally ERP Course
• Accounting. • Billing. • Sales and profit analysis. • Banking. • Inventory. • Taxation (GST, TDS, TCS).

Core Features of Tally ERP Course (Syllabus)

The main core features of tally are explained hereby.
ACCOUNTING: Accounting is the most important feature of Tally ERP The main thought that comes in mind of a person when hearing about tally is accounting.
BILLING: Billing is important part of business, this feature is included Tally. Actually billing is included in accounting feature when ever you pass an accounting entry simultaneously a bill is generated which can be used for raising or sending invoice.
PAYROLL: This feature is of use when you are having a good number of employees. For maintaining payroll in tally, there are functions like employee categories, employee groups, attendance, pay heads and course employees.
INVENTORY: Maintenance of stock is very important part of business as it gives better control on business sales hence movement of stock is integral part which can be kept under control .
BANKING: In this era of digitalization, without banking no business can survive. Banking functionality is very well covered by Tally. Though it was not present in earlier versions of Tally but it can be usage in ERP-9 TAXATION: TDS GST both direct and indirect tax can be calculsated automatically and its returns are also filed online with the help of Tally not just accounting software, after becoming ERP it has much more widened and in great extent.

Tally Course Duration
IPA has designed Tally ERP course can be learnt just 2 (two) months. First month takes the basic understanding and second month focus on advanced features like GST, TDS, Service Tax Payroll , however freshers are advised to do long term Tally Diploma Courses for 12 months

Tally Course Fee
IPA has kept the tally course fee very low for basic course the fee is Rs. 4000/= (one month ) and for advance course Rs. 8000 (two months) hence any student interested in this course can join fee can be paid in easy monthly installments.

Tally Course Eligibility
IPA has designed the course in such a manner that a 12th pass student (commerce/ arts/ science) can join this course, after completion of this course certificate will be provided, IPA gives students notes books and software also, an graduate or post graduate are also eligible for this course What Roles are Available in Tally ERP Course

• Accouithout banking no business can survive. Banking functionality is very well covered by Tally. Though it was not present in earlier versions of Tally but it can be usage in ERP-9 TAXATION: TDS GST both direct and indirect tax can be calculsated automatically and its returns are also filed online with the help of Tally ERP

Friday, March 15, 2019

Getting started with Ms powerpoint

Getting Started

This chapter will teach you how to start PowerPoint 2010 application in simple steps. To access PowerPoint 2010, you must have Microsoft Office 2010 installed in your PC. Only Office 2010 Home and Student, Home and Business, Standard, Professional and Professional Plus packages have PowerPoint included in them. Other packages may have a viewer, but you cannot create presentations with them.
Step (1): Click Start button.
Step (2): Click All Programs option from the menu.
Step (3): Search for Microsoft Office from the sub menu and click it.
Step (4): Search for Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 from the submenu and click it.
This will launch Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 application and you will see the following presentation window.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


This option is used to know the analysis of our business performance.

Cost category:- It is collection of cost centre.

Note:- One cost category which name is primary has been already created.


When a businessman want to know the performance of his two or more companies at a time then it use group company option.
By this option we use all our companies as grouping and see performance of all companies at a time. We can also compare performances of companies.


It is also like as exportation of ledgers, in it we send voucher data from one to other company.
Its steps are following—
1.     Open Raman Company and do voucher entries as our requirement(as example we do following voucher entries).
Path-G.O.T. (gateway of tally) -->Accounting voucher-->F5.

Export Import in tally

This option is used to send data from one company to other company in tally or send tally data to other softwares (ex- MS-word, MS-excel etc.)

For it we need at least two companies in tally software then first we create two companies in tally and after that first we export data from a company and at last by other company we import it.

Credit limit in tally

If we want to set a limit for our debtors for fixed time duration then we use this option. This is set by using “budget & control”.
To set credit limit we follow the following steps:-

Daybook in Tally

Day-book is display of all voucher entries of a particular date.
To open day-book we follow the following path-


As our requirement we can also made extra vouchers in our company.
For make a new type of voucher we follow the following voucher—


If we want to create an extra group other than 28 pre-define groups in tally, than we follow the following steps-
A.  Select “account info” option from “Gateway of Tally” menu.

change voucher type in tally

To convert any non-accounting voucher into accounting voucher or change any pre-created voucher type both are worked as follows-

For change any pre-created voucher to other, we follow the follow the following path.


These vouchers are used to maintain all those transactions which do not effect on “profit & loss report” and “balance report”. 

 Profit & loss report-this a type of simple report in which we can see our all incomes and expenses as we do transactions. 


V. Sales voucherit is used to maintain all those transactions which related with sales.
Shortcut key of this voucher is “F8”.

accounting voucher-2

III. Receipt voucher- in this voucher we maintain all types of receipt or receiving transaction. Short cut key of this voucher is “F6”. 
i.                   Commission received 25,000/-
ii.                 Salary received 30,000/-
iii.                Rent received 35,000/-


Voucher- voucher is the evidence to certify that we have any transaction.
          There are 18 pre-define voucher in Tally.ERP9. These are following types-
1.     Accounting voucher
2.     Non-accounting voucher
3.     Inventory voucher


For the voucher entry in tally we need some important concepts and rules of voucher entry and account.

          Before doing voucher entry in tally we should study about types of accounts and its voucher entry rules.

vAccountan account is the statement of cash receiving and cash expended. It is the statement of transaction effecting any particular assets, liabilities, expenses or income.

vDouble entry systemWe do voucher entry in tally by double entry system mainly. It is simple concept to know that in any transaction two accounts are affected. One account that relating to the receiving of benefit is called debit and another account that yielding of that benefit is called credit.
To decide that which account will be in credit side and which will be in debit we study types of account.

There are three types of accounts-
1.  Personal account- the account which is related to any person, group of persons or any farm is called personal account.

To a personal account we take it on credit side when it is “The Giver” and take debit side when it is “The Receiver”. It means receiver a/c is on credit side and giver a/c is on debit side.

Some examples of personal account (for simply identification)-
·       A/c of Ram
·       A/c of Sahitya Bhavan
·       Outstanding a/c
·       Accrued income a/c
·       Unaccrued income a/c
·       Capital a/c
·       Drawing a/c
·       Prepaid expense a/c
·       Creditors a/c
·       Debtors a/c

2.  Real account-the a/c which is related to any assets is called real account.

To a real account we take it on the credit side when it is “comes in” our company and take on debit side when it is “goes out” from our company. It means all things which come in to our company are credit and all things which go out from our company are debit.

Some examples of real account (for simply identification)-
·       Machinery a/c
·       Furniture a/c
·       Cash a/c
·       Goods a/c
·       Purchase a/c
·       Sales a/c
·       Purchase return a/c
·       Sales return a/c
·       Stock a/c
·       Good will a/c
·       Patents a/c
·       Copyrights a/c

3.  Nominal account- the accounts which are related with all types of expenses/losses and all types of income/benefits are called nominal accounts.

To a nominal account we take it on credit side when it is “income or profit” and take it on the debit side when it is “expense and losses”. It means all income and profits are credit and all losses and expenses are debit.

Some examples of real account (for simply identification)-
·       Rent a/c
·       Rent received a/c
·       Salary a/c
·       Salary received a/c
·       Interest a/c
·       Interest received a/c
·       Commission a/c
·       Commission received a/c
·       Discount a/c
·       Discount received a/c
·       Carriage a/c
·       Bad debts a/c

Account type
Personal account
The receiver
The giver
Real account
What comes in
What goes out
Nominal account
All expenses & losses
All incomes & profits


For quit or close to tally (after working) we follow the following steps-
a.     Come to the G.O.T. (gateway of tally) by pressing ‘esc’ key many time (from any menu).
b.    On G.O.T. menu when we press ‘esc’ key once more time we see the following box on screen.
After it we press ‘Y’ key or ‘enter’ key from key board Tally window will be closed.

By pressing (ctrl + Q) when we on G.O.T. menu the Tally window will be closed automatically.


6. Fixed assetsthe assets long life more than one year. These are used in business divided into two categories—
      I.            Tangible assets- the assets have a physical existence.
Ex- building, land, machine, car, furniture etc.
  II.            Intangible assets- the assets not have any physical existence.
Ex- Good wills, Patents and Royalty assets etc.
         Ledger creation-
Path- G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) --> ledgers --> single ledger creation.

7. Investment- it is investment of business capital in shares, bonds, national plans to gain maximum profit is come under investments.
         Ledger creation-
Path- G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) --> ledgers --> single ledger creation.

8. Miscellaneous expenses or miscellaneous expenditureall those expenses which are used for business when business is not launched called miscellaneous expenses.
         Ledger creation-
Path- G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) --> ledgers --> single ledger creation.

10. Branch and division- in this group we study about company and its branches.
         Ledger creation-
Path- G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) --> ledger --> single ledger creation.